COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Advisory:

Children’s HealthCare wants you to know we are working hard to do our part in managing this pandemic.  We know you, as families, are worried and we are here for YOU! We want our families to know that our patients’ needs are typically our top priority but doing our part to control the spread of infection is now crucial to the care of our community, as a whole.  We are working closely with our local health systems, state and local health departments and other government healthcare agencies to ensure we are doing all we can to support the community.

Important things to know about COVID-19:

  • There are several common human coronaviruses that usually cause mild, to moderate upper respiratory infection, like the common cold.

  • The good news about the Coronavirus is that the effects of the virus tend to be less severe for our pediatric population (under age 20), often only suffering minor, cold-like symptoms

  • It is still possible to spread through children and it is important that we all follow recommendations to limit the spread.

  • The disease appears to primarily affect older adults and those with underlying health problems.

Symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath

How is COVID-19 Diagnosed:

  • A swab of the nose/throat can help determine if your child has the disease, if they meet the necessary criteria.

  • We can collect this specimen in our office.

How is COVID-19 Treated?

  • Presently, there is no specific outpatient medication treatment, since this is a virus.  We will provide supportive recommendations, as symptoms present.

When do you call our office?

  • If your child has been exposed to someone with COVID-19

  • Has a fever, cough, shortness of breath or related respiratory symptoms

  • For any other concern you have, as we will still be treating those injuries and normal childhood illnesses that will not pause for our country’s latest health threat.

What to do if you need to visit our office to limit everyone’s exposure risk:

  • If your child is well, ensure you report to the designated well-child area, which will be the SECOND FLOOR of Children’s HealthCare.

  • If your child is sick, call ahead and talk to our staff regarding your child’s symptoms.

  • All sick visits will be seen on the first floor of Children’s HealthCare.

  • If your child is sick with symptoms mentioned above, our staff will escort you directly from your car to a room, bypassing the waiting area, thus why we ask you to call ahead.

  • Only one parent or guardian should accompany a child to well or sick visit.

  • Please do not bring other children, who do not have an appointment, to the office.

  • Sick parents and guardians should not escort the child to our office.

  • If possible, elderly relatives should NOT escort your child to a well or sick visit, for their own protection.  

Of course, there is so much we all still have to learn about this illness and we will continue to educate our patients, providers and staff, as we learn more from the most respected infectious disease health professionals in the nation.  Please be patient as we receive more information regarding the illness and adjust our plans, as necessary. 

Want to learn more about COVID-19? Click here.